The Community Development Authority (CDA) of the Village of Elkhart Lake was created in 1997 to help in the acquisition of land, to issue debt, to redevelop property, hire staff, and to enter into contracts requiring the expenditure of any funds in excess of $10,000.Since 1997, the CDA has provided start-up business loans to more than 20 businesses in the Village. The CDA has also provided many façade/special grants and loans to improve the conditions of commercial and retail buildings within the CDA area in the Village. The CDA has also provided sign grants to many businesses.
In 2011, the CDA decided to undertake a strategic planning process. While the purpose of the CDA is still very similar to when it started in 1997, the CDA would like to be more aggressive with meeting its goals, strategies, and action steps.
The CDA’s mission is to plan for and expand commercial business in Elkhart Lake.
The CDA feels its purpose is to:
- Expand and promote commercial businesses in Elkhart Lake
- Monitor business development
- Conduit to the TIF and future TIFs
- Improve and enhance the appearance of Elkhart Lake
- Identify and help launch new businesses
- Provide grants and loans
- Help acquire land
The CDA has a few programs that are available to businesses within the CDA area. There are guidelines and requirements that must be met for CDA involvement.
The following programs are available:
- Facade/Landscape Grant
- Business Start Up Costs (Loan) - Maximum $5,000.00
- Signage Grant – Maximum $1,000.00 or 50% of the sign (whichever is less)
- Special Award Loan - Maximum $10,000.00 or 50% (whichever is less)
- Special Award Grant – Maximum $10,000.00
The CDA is able to use these business incentive programs due to money allocated through Tax Incremental Financing Districts, Village Tax Levy, and Room Tax. The ability to offer these programs is dependent on the funding.
To apply for any of the programs listed, please fill out the application.
40 Pine Street, P.O. Box 143
Elkhart Lake, WI 53020
Phone: 920-876-2122
Fax: 920-876-2892
Email: clerk@elkhartlakewi.gov
Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm