Village of Elkhart Lake Municipal Code of Ordinances
The Village of Elkhart Lake is providing this electronic version of our municipal code for information only and should not be considered the official version of the code. Please consult the printed version before citing provision of this code. If inconsistencies exist between the electronic and printed edition, the printed edition will be considered definitive.
To review an official copy of the Village of Elkhart Lake Municipal Code, please contact the Village Administrator/Clerk’s Office. The Village of Elkhart Lake Municipal Code is the sole property of the Village of Elkhart Lake; any unauthorized use or modification of this code is illegal.
Chapter 3: Finance and Taxation
Chapter 10: Streets and Sidewalks
Chapter 12: Health and Sanitation
Chapter 14: Municipal Utilities
Chapter 18: Shoreland - Wetland
Chapter 19: Historic Preservation
Chapter 20: Construction and Effect of Ordinance
Chapter 21: Citation and Penalties
Chapter 24: Storm Water Management
Chapter 25: Smoking Prohibited in Areas
Chapter 26: Aircraft Operations
Chapter 33: Construction Site Erosion Control
Chapter 34: Wellhead Protection
Chapter 41: Uniform Dwelling Code
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