The Village of Elkhart Lake would love to do business with you. If you have an idea for a business or are looking to locate or expand your business in a supportive community this is your place. To discuss your business plans with the Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer please call (920) 876-2122.
We Work with Developers
- The Village Planning Commission is willing to hold additional meetings as necessary.
- The Village has capacity in both its water system and its waste water treatment facility for development.
- The Village created two Tax Incremental Financing Districts in 2013, and is willing to create another if the project warrants financing.
- In 2014, the Village’s tax rate was only $17.39 per $1,000 of assessed value. This is the lowest tax rate of all other villages and cities in Sheboygan County.
- The Village has a relationship with the Sheboygan County Economic Development Corporation, which helps administer the Sheboygan County Revolving Loan Fund Program.
The Atmosphere of the Village is Unique
- The pristine Village of Elkhart Lake is known for its charm and welcoming spirit. It’s a community with quality schools, community services and active governmental and civic organizations.
- The Village boasts five Village Parks, as well as a resident beach.
- The Village and surrounding area provides great opportunity for recreational activities such as boating, swimming, cycling, auto racing, camping, hiking, golfing, ice skating, skiing, snowshoeing, hunting, fishing, etc.
Current Businesses are Expanding
- Sargento is projected to have an additional 60 people working in the Village in the next 10 years.
- Osthoff is projected to hire an additional 50 full-time equivalent positions by 2025.
- Gina’s Fine Gifts and Framing has expanded to Elkhart Lake Outfitters as well.
- Vintage Elkhart Lake has doubled in size in the last year.
- The Village’s CDA helps to provide loans and grants for businesses.
- The Village has 13 acres available for industrial park development.
Elkhart Lake is a Great Place to Live & Work
- The property taxes are low. The tax rate in the Village was $17.39 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2014. This is one of the lowest tax rates of all other villages and cities in Sheboygan County.
- One of only a few districts in Sheboygan County to receive a ranking of “Exceeds Expectations” on both the District and Individual school report cards.
- Offers over 60 college credits available to high school students on-site.
- Small classes offer individualized instructional opportunities.
- Strong parent/community support of the School.
- Financially solvent district.
- Well –maintained and progressive learning facilities, including iPads, 3-D document cameras, promethean interactive whiteboards, plus many other leading classroom technologies.
- A wide variety of extra-curricular activities are offered including sixteen sports, band, choir, FFA, AFS, drama, FCCLA, NHS, forensics, plus many other activities.
Elkhart Lake Amenities
- Elkhart Lake Depot Museum
- Village Resident’s Beach
- Two Fish Gallery
- Aspira Spa at the Osthoff
- Quit Qui Oc Golf Club
- Kohl Community Fitness Center
- L’ecole de la Maison Cooking School
- Marsh Park Tower & Wildlife Area
- Elkhart Lake Farmer’s & Artisans Market
- Road America
- The Theater- EL Teatro
- Retail Shops, such as Gina’s Fine Gifts & Framing, Vintage Elkhart Lake Wine Shop, Nordic Accents, Ltd., Lt. Dave’s Vintage Shop, plus many more.
- A plethora of world-class restaurants
- Old World Christmas Market
- Plus many other events and activities
Community Activities & Organizations
- The Village has an active Chamber of Commerce which hosts events such as Downtown Night and Schnee Days.
- The Elkhart Lake Glenbeulah Athletic Association was formed in the 1960’s and provides organized youth sports for families of the adjoining Elkhart Lake - Glenbeulah school district and surrounding Sheboygan County area.
- There is something for everyone.
- The Village is home to the Lions Club, the Elkhart Lake Study Club, the Men’s Club, Ladies of the Lake, the Lake Improvement Association, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, 4-H, and a Sailing Club, AFS, FFA, just to name a few.
40 Pine Street, P.O. Box 143
Elkhart Lake, WI 53020
Phone: 920-876-2122
Fax: 920-876-2892
Email: clerk@elkhartlakewi.gov
Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm