The Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer office is located in the Village Hall at 40 Pine Street, Elkhart Lake, WI 53020. Appointed by the Village Board, the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer provides overall administrative and supervisory control for all Village operations. This is a full-time, salaried position. He/she serves the Board by developing and implementing the legislative polices set forth. He/she is the official records custodian for all Village-related matters. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer and staff are responsible for the preparation, execution, and archiving of all Village Board documents as prescribed by State Law and Village Code.
These duties include:
- Archiving and maintaining Village Board and Committee agendas, documents, official proceedings (minutes), ordinances, and resolutions
- Maintaining boards and commissions applications and appointments
- Retaining and managing records
- Administering alcohol, cigarette, room tax, and other business licenses
- Administering elections and providing voting information
- Issuing dog licenses
- Providing information on zoning, building, and shoreland permits
- Collecting taxes and providing assessment information
- Water & Sewer Billing
- Monitoring Village finances, accounting, and investments
- Developing the preliminary budget with assistance from Department Heads and Board Committees
- Serving as the human resource department for all employees
- Providing Notary Public services
- Publishing of legal notices
- Providing information in response to residents’ (and others’) concerns and questions

40 Pine Street, P.O. Box 143
Elkhart Lake, WI 53020
Phone: 920-876-2122
Fax: 920-876-2892
Email: clerk@elkhartlakewi.gov
Monday – Thursday 8:00AM to 4:00PM
Friday 8:00AM to 12:00PM
Jessica Reilly, Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Dannette Wigen, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
Abbey Hau, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer