The Village contracts with Waste Management for the collection of garbage and recyclables.
Elkhart Lake Garbage & Recycling Collection Schedule
Pickup day is Monday. Please have your garbage and recyclable containers curbside prior to 6:00 am. These containers must be removed from curbside no later than 6:00 am on the day after collection. If you have an issue with garbage or recycling pick-up, please call Waste Management at 1-888-960-0008. If you have any questions, please call the Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s Office at 920-876-2122.
Please note that violations of the Village refuse and recycling ordinance can lead to fines of $50 to $2,000 for each offense.
All trash needs to fit in the refuse container and all recycling can be co-mingled and needs to fit in the recycling container. Overflowing containers and garbage outside the containers will not be picked up.
Tips from Waste Management:
- Carts should be placed for pickup by 6:00 a.m.
- Your cart should be within 18 inches of the curb with the arrows on the lid pointing to the street/curb. Carts cannot be placed on the street. If there is snow, please clear an area in the terrace, or leave the carts at the end of your driveway.
- To avoid damage to property, place the cart at least three-feet away from mailboxes, lampposts and other fixed objects.
- Place your cart on as level a surface as possible, but away from low hanging tree branches.
- Place carts at least three feet away from each other.
- Do not overload carts; the lids must close completely. Overage fees may apply to overfilled carts. Make sure that all trash and debris is in the cart. Garbage or waste left beside carts may not be collected.
- Carts not properly placed will be tagged and not picked up.
Elkhart Lake Holiday Garbage Collection Schedule 2025
Memorial Day – Tuesday May 27, 2025
Independence Day – Normal Monday Pick up
Labor Day- Tuesday September 2, 2025
Thanksgiving Day – Normal Monday Pick up
Christmas Day – Normal Monday Pick up
New Year’s Day – Normal Monday Pick up
View Waste Management's Recycling 101 website for useful recycling tips.
Click here for more information on the Village’s Residential Refuse and Recycling Guidelines and helpful tips.
Yard Waste Dumpster
A dumpster is provided at the Village Garage in spring, summer, and fall. Opening and closing dates vary depending on the weather. Please follow the signs about using the dumpster as it will remain unattended for the foreseeable future. If you require assistance, we ask that you set up an appointment with the public works department (920-876-2231), so someone can help you. This dumpster is for yard waste only, not lake waste.
Brush Truck
There is a brush truck available for residents to put in large amounts of brush. Call the Village garage at 920-876-2231 to arrange for a brush truck.
Frequently Asked Questions about Garbage & Recycling Collection
Sheboygan County hosts household hazardous waste collection sites throughout the year. There is a $10.00 per vehicle charge for the waste disposal.
What kind of materials will be accepted at these collection sites?
- Flammable liquids
- Fluorescent bulbs (household quantities)
- Cleaners
- Oil-based paints
- Household batteries
- Aerosols
- Solvents
- Acids and bases
- Poisons
- Varnishes
- Old gasoline
- Antifreeze
- Thinners
- Pesticides and herbicides
- Reactive (typically pool chemicals)
View more information about the Hazardous Waste Collection sites and dates.
Garbage & Recycling Collection
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