

If you have any questions about liquor, cigarette, operator, or vending licenses please contact the Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s Office at 920-876-2122.

Liquor Licenses

All premises serving alcohol in the Village of Elkhart Lake are required to hold an alcohol beverage license. There are four major types of alcohol beverage licenses and the Elkhart Lake Village Board determines if the applicant is qualified for the license.

Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage License
Allows retail sale of fermented malt beverages (beer) for consumption off the premises.
Examples: grocery and convenience stores

Class “A” Liquor License
Allows retail sale of intoxicating liquor (including wine) for consumption off the premises.
Examples: liquor stores or grocery stores with full liquor sales sections

Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage License
Allows retail sale of fermented malt beverages (beer) for consumption on or off the premises.
Examples: restaurants and “beer bars”

Class “B” Liquor License
Allow retail sale of intoxicating liquor (including wine) for consumption on the premises, and wine in original sealed containers for consumption off the premises. If the community elects to, it may also permit sale of not more than four liters of intoxicating liquor (there are no limits on wine), in the original sealed container, for consumption off the premises. Check local ordinances for the allowance. State law also allows carryout of a single, opened (resealed) bottle of wine if sold with a meal.
Examples: taverns and restaurants with full alcohol service

Class “C” Wine License
Allows the sale of wine for consumption only on the premises and allows the carryout of a single opened (resealed) bottle if sold with a meal.

Temporary Class “B” License (often called picnic license)
Allows retail beer and/or wine sales, at temporary events like fairs and festivals. Only certain organizations qualify for such a license. They must be bona-fide clubs, county or local fair associations, churches, lodges, or societies that have been in existence for at least six months, and may not operate for pecuniary gain, selling alcohol beverages only incidental to their operation.


ab-200 Alcohol Beverage License Application

ab-100 Individual Questionnaire

ab-101 Appointment of Agent

Elkhart Lake Operators License Application

ctv-200 Application for Cigarette, Tobacco and Vapor Products

ctv-100 Cigarette, Tobacco and Electronic Vaping Device Retail License Application

ctv-101 Cigarette, Tobacco, and Electronic Vaping Device Individual Questionnaire

ctv-102 Cigarette, Tobacco, and Electronic Vaping Device Appointment of Agent


Liquor License Fees

Class “A” Beer………………$100.00
Class “B” Beer………………$100.00
Class “A” Liquor……………$250.00
Class “B” Liquor……………$300.00
Class “C” Wine……..………$100.00

The application and paperwork for liquor licenses can be picked up in the Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, 40 Pine Street, Elkhart Lake, WI 53020.

Operator License

All persons serving/selling alcohol must have a valid operator license. Applicants should apply in the Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s Office between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm M-TH and Fridays 8:00 am - 12:00 pm .

  • The Licenses are valid for one year renewing on June 30th annually
  • The fee is $25.00
  • Operators must pass the Responsible Beverage Course
  • Operators must also pass a background check
  • All Operator Licenses must be approved by the Village Board of Trustees

Cigarette License

All places selling cigarette and tobacco products must have a retail license, according to Wisconsin Statutes. Retailers in the Village of Elkhart Lake who want to sell cigarette and tobacco products need to make application to the Village Board. Please stop in the Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s Office between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm M-TH and Fridays 8:00 am - 12:00 pm to fill out the application for a cigarette and tobacco license. The fee for a cigarette license is $100.

Vending License

The Village requires that all vending machines are licensed. The license year runs from July 1st to June 30th. Applications can be made in the Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s Office. The application fee is $15.00.