

If you have any questions about the pet licensing, please contact the Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s Office at 920-876-2122.

Dog Licenses

The Village of Elkhart Lake requires that all dogs over the age of five months be licensed annually. The current license year commences on January 1st and ends on December 31st. To license your dog(s) please stop at the Village Clerk-Treasurer’s Office with the vaccine information for your dog(s).

The current cost to license a spayed or neutered dog is $7.00. The cost to license an unspayed or unneutered dog is $14.00. If you are late to purchase your dog license, it will cost an additional $25.00. The Village sends annual reminders to current dog owners about their licenses, but if you are a new dog owner, please come in to the Village Clerk-Treasurer’s Office to license your dog.

No person or household may keep, harbor, shelter, or possess more than five dogs over the age of five months. The Village also requires that any dog off the premises of its owner must be kept on a leash a maximum of eight feet in length.


The Village currently does not license cats, but the Village limits the number of cats that a person can keep, harbor, shelter, or possess to no more than five cats over the age of five months.

Other Animals

The Village also regulates other animals in Chapter 8.31. The Village regulates horses, mules, donkeys, ponies, cattle, goats, sheep, swine, poultry, exotic animals, reptiles, animals raised for forbearing purposes, or species of animals normally found running wild, but it is not limited to these animals. The Village Board may issue at its discretion, a written permit to allow a resident(s) to possess some of the animals listed above. The cost of the permit shall be $50.00 annually. After an application is made, the Police Chief shall make an inspection of the premise, and a public hearing will be held. Some of the criteria used by the Village Board in making the decision to grant or deny a permit will be:

  • Noise factor
  • Smell factor
  • Distance from neighbor’s Lot
  • Distance from nearest building
  • Number of animals and species
  • Neighbor objections (1 objection/rejected)