Village of Elkhart Lake Street Maintenance
On an annual basis the Village completes street maintenance projects which include crack filling, seal coating, overlay, grind and overlay, or reconstruction. The Village prides itself on the maintenance of our infrastructure. If you see issues with roadways or pot holes please contact the Village Public Works Department at 920-876-2231.
Village of Elkhart Lake Snow Plowing
A variety of factors contribute to the methods and process of each snow/ice removal operation in the Village. Varying conditions such as the time of day, the rate of accumulation, the temperature, and wind speed and direction play a role in determining how quickly and effectively the roads can be cleared. Removal of snow and ice are the responsibility of the Public Works Department. Other operations become secondary to snow removal during and immediately after a winter storm. The Village warns all drivers to take caution when driving in winter weather conditions, as the road and weather conditions can change rapidly.
Snow Removal from Sidewalks & Hydrants
Residents must clean the snow from the entire width of their sidewalks within 14 hours of any snowfall in a 24-hour period, according to Village Ordinance 10.03. The snow cannot be blown or plowed onto the Village streets. Residents must also shovel any fire hydrants located near their home.
Winter Parking Restrictions
Village of Elkhart Lake Ordinance 6.02 restricts parking on the streets during the winter months to enable the snow plows to clear the roads. There is no parking on any Village street, or within six feet of the edge/curb of the street from 2:00 am to 6:00 am from the 15th of November to the 1st of April. The Village also limits parking in the Village lots as posted. These restrictions are in effect regardless of the weather or temperature. The cost of a winter parking violation is $25, which increases to $40 after 10 days.
Be sure to let any late night-overnight guests know about these parking restrictions. If unusual circumstances prevent you from moving a vehicle, please call the Village Police Department at 920-876-2244 to notify them. They can review your options with you.
If you have any concerns about the streets or snow plowing, please contact the Village Public Works Department at 920-876-2231.
Village of Elkhart Lake Water Utility
The Elkhart Lake Water Utility serves approximately 668 customers in the Village of Elkhart Lake.
Water & Sewer Rates & Billing Schedule
The Water Utility sends bills out quarterly in conjunction with the sewer bills. The bills are mailed on approximately the 15th of January, April, July, and October. The current water volume rates are as follows:
- First 3000 cu. ft. per quarter – $2.18 per 100 cu. ft. + meter chg.
- Next 17,000 cu. ft. per quarter – $1.88 per 100 cu. ft. + meter chg.
- Next 30,000 cu. ft. per quarter – $1.52 per 100 cu. ft. + meter chg.
- Over 50,000 cu. ft. per quarter – $1.17 per 100 cu. ft. + meter chg.
Current Water Meter Charges
- 5/8″ meters – $20.23 per quarter
- 3/4″ meters – $20.23 per quarter
- 1″ meters – $24.83 per quarter
- 1 1/4″ meters – $31.92 per quarter
- 1 1/2″ meters – $39.02 per quarter
- 2″ meters – $63.85 per quarter
- 3″ meters – $117.07 per quarter
- 4″ meters – $177.36 per quarter
Current Sewer Rates
$7.55 per 100 cubic feet of water consumption + $25.00 base fee per quarter.
If paid after due date, a penalty of 1% per month is assessed on water and sewer bills.
Automatic Bill Pay for Water & Sewer
If you would like to sign up for automatic bill paying (ACH) of your water and sewer bills, please contact the Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s Office.
I'm Moving - What Should I Do With My Water/Sewer?
If you move in or out of a residence in the Village, please contact the Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s Office to allow for a final water meter reading and to provide the new billing information. After we receive the reading, the Village will provide a final bill to the old owners and put the water bill in the new owner’s name.
Issues With Municipal Water
If you are experiencing any issues with water pressure, discoloration, smell, or other problems, please contact our Public Works Department at 920-876-2231.
Elkhart Lake Water Consumer Confidence Report
The Elkhart Lake Water Utility annually files a consumer confidence report about the water quality in the Village.
View the 2023 Consumer Confidence Report.
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
DO NOT discard liquid hazardous waste materials down household drains or sewers. Sheboygan County hosts household hazardous waste collection sites throughout the year. There is a $10.00 per vehicle charge for the waste disposal.
Hazardous Waste Materials
- Flammable liquids
- Cleaners
- Oil-based paints
- Solvents
- Acids and bases
- Poisons
- Varnishes
- Old gasoline
- Antifreeze
- Thinners
- Pesticides and herbicides
- Reactive (typically pool chemicals)
Garbage & Recycling Collection
Streets, Water & Sewer
Building Permits & Inspections
Zoning & Conditional Use Permits
Taxes & Assessments
Liquor, Cigarette & Operator Licenses
Pet Licensing
Other Licenses & Permits
Election Information
Village Tree Commission
Public Works
Fire Department
First Responders